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Hiroshi Senju - 出版物 - Hiroshi Senju

Donald Kuspit and Rachel Baum

Senju expresses contemporary modernity through ancient painting techniques that are unique to Japan.

Donald Kuspit is one of America’s most distinguished art critics. He is a contributing editor at Artforum, Sculpture, and Tema Celeste magazines, and the editor of art criticism. He has written numerous articles, exhibition reviews, and catalogue essays. Rachel Baum writes on contemporary art and teaches at Hunter College in New York City.

Photography: Kazuhito Tanaka, Kazuya Yamaguchi, Yoshichika Murakami, Nacasa & Partners Inc.

Compilation: Gina Im

Published Date: November 3, 2009

Format: Hardcover
Category: Art - Individual Artist
Publisher: Skira
Trim Size: 12 x 12
US Price: $75.00
CAN Price: $92.00
ISBN: 978-88-613-0797-1