The piece "Mount Asama" is now complete. It required a lot of vitality to tackle the energy of volcanic mountain. It was one of the most difficult pieces I've done in recent years. The work will be brought into Hiroshi Senju Museum Karuizawa in February, and start its public showing beginning in March.
At the same time, I am also working on pieces for the London solo show. It is a challenge to think up color combinations that I've never done. Even with similar colors of ultramarine, when you apply to larger area the difference becomes apparent. I carefully decide on the color.
Even with large size paintings, the details are very important. They requires as meticulous effort as small paintings do. Especially the horizon and the water surface express movement and at the same time stillness. The vertical force of the waterfall cannot be expressed without the absolute horizon.
My friend, the potter Richard Miligrim came to the studio to deliver me a birthday present. He told me to take care good care of it since it is like his daughter. It will be a part of my tresured collection.